
Mobile web frustration? Responsive design is the answer!2 min read

Mike Soden March 25, 2021
Do you get frustrated when you try to view a webpage on your mobile or tablet to find it is nearly impossible to navigate around, it is hard to read and takes ages to load?
Mobile web frustration? Responsive design is the answer! 1
Today website owners and businesses need to pay attention to the fact that people visit their site using a variety of devices from mobile to tablet, PC and television. Failure to recognise this and you run the risk of losing customers and marketing potential online. Well there is an answer… Responsive Design.
Responsive Design adjusts the page to any screen size and resolution including mobile devices that might be released in the future. Responsive Design is built around the concept of media queries that target specific devices. Responsive Design involves the ‘on-the-fly’ scaling of your existing website when accessed via a mobile device.
Whilst not being cheap, Responsive Design for mobile and tablet optimisation is not expensive compared to building and maintaining a separate mobile website or creating separate ‘Apps’ for every mobile or tablet platform available.  Due to the exponentially increasing amount of users browsing the web on a mobile device, it is a necessity of today’s online world.  
Smart phones and mobile devices have limited capabilities such as a smaller screen size compared to desktop computers and slower and more expensive download rates, so the way users interact with the content needs to reflect the appropriate user experience. 
Good web design is all about creating a usable and effective place for your audience to find and interact with your brand and brand message online. Get it right and you will be rewarded with a happier and more loyal customer-base with more return visits and Social Media “Shares” for your website increasing you ROI and Brand Awareness.
Could your website or business benefit from Responsive Design?